Category Archives: Eco systems


Yellowstone Falls

I am back! Don’t ever count me out! This is a blog that I wrote over a year ago but never posted. Thought I would post so we could reconnect. Hope you like it.

Centering myself after the past year has been a meaningful goal of mine. Nothing like the “Wild Wild West” to bring you back to center. Hope everyone can find their “grounding” place like I have in Yellowstone National Park. This was my first time to experience this majestic park teaming with life and geysers. How does one place contain so much variety? Geysers steaming with hot gases and overflowing with rich minerals while right next to glacier cold rushing streams and rivers. After observing the greater part of a week, the iconic “Old Faithful” , Prismatic Pools, Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Indian Creek Campground, and the famed Lamar Valley, I am more in love with nature than ever before. With the almost complete absence of cell service, it was the total immersion into the natural world so needed after the past year. Lacking the subtle humor of nature, we detach from the nature of living in balance. I don’t see us as any different from the wildlife in Yellowstone. I am still thinking about the full impact this place has had on me. How do you come home unchanged? Coming home is pleasant but somewhat empty compared to the fullness of nature.

Watching the masculine bison walk along the road next to our truck and have one saunter next to me while sitting next to a stream after a hike was invigorating. Hearing the geysers bubble over, the wind sing a song of serenity thru the trees at the campground, seeing wildlife with no fences to separate us or to keep them imprisoned ,was refreshing to the soul. All I want is to capture the feeling of being in such a place of wild and free existence. I hope this place continues to remain this way, like it was meant to be. Each day with its series of eruptions and life cycles in the Lamar Valley, we must not disturb the balance of what is self sufficient.

I am sure there are many things that nurture the soul but nature has to be at the top.

Light with out pollution and noise with out alarms, is a glimpse of what life is supposed to look and feel like. Certainly a step back away from the barrage of media and propaganda that has so much influenced our thinking. The bears do not care if you are driving a Porshe or a Toyota. They may prefer a Tesla, considering its lack of carbon footprint and its lack of noise disturbance.

In the future, if you are looking for me, I just may be in the mountains. I am sure if we all immerse ourselves into nature a little we will all see our lives more balanced because of it. “Peace is the river of the soul”, and there is no lack of peace in nature.

Yellowstone I must see you again, my friend, only to look and admire you once again.

Your mate,


Beartooth Pass



Santa Catalina Island is a unique island off the coast of southern California.  After seeing it from my neighborhood for eight years I finally got to travel by boat to see it.

img_9683      Catalina Island is known for its pristine harbor with boats of many shapes and sizes.  I found the harbor to be my favorite place on the island.

We went snorkeling at Lover’s Cove which was enjoyable except when the underwater submarine kept blowing its horn at me as if it owned the cove.

img_9673      We did take an open air jeep tour with the Catalina Island Conservancy, which I really enjoyed.


The encounter with the mighty buffalo was certainly  what we wanted to see high up on the mountainside, and the buffalo did not disappoint.  These creatures are quite interesting to see up close with their fuzzy ears and woolly maned heads.

So what do these mighty creatures tell us?   Eco systems are not meant to be disturbed,  as Catalina buffalo are proof of that. I was on the inner interior of the island and could see the struggle the integrated eco system has on native plants and animals.  The eco system is so delicate the slightest interference can completely change the appearance and  the island itself forever.

What are we doing to preserve places that are unique and interesting like Catalina?  I wonder what Laguna Beach water would have looked like and how many different kinds of fish and kelp were there 60 years ago?  Much of what we do to the environment resembles a waterfall.   What we see on the surface is often all that is recognized or valued.  Underneath is an entire world of dependent eco systems.  If we redirected the waterfall it may make new eco systems but leave the old one vanished for good. Can we take that chance with certain habitats?

Humans are similar to eco systems.  Understanding we are delicate creatures of habitats ourselves, we must respect how much we alter ourselves with medications and surgeries. The result of abrupt change, without supporting the other areas of codependency we have neglected to consider, could result in us forever being unbalanced or unsupported.  I know my own self and sometimes I am left under-supported neurologically when my routine or lifestyle is suddenly drastically altered.  Sometimes the changes are not controllable, like the buffalo who refused to be relocated off the island of Catalina after a movie shoot.  What then?   Each scene is one that must be given serious thought as to the interruption of normalcy.  We see the work of the conservancy and are grateful for their work of preserving such a landmark as Catalina.  What conservancy do we attempt for ourselves?  img_9691

Seeing us as buffalo roaming a strange place isn’t that far off from how I picture myself.  I can’t expect the whole world to adapt into a new world just for me, but small changes and appreciation for who we are will sweeten the environment for changes that benefit all.   Some of us will remain and some of us will fade away as if their waterfall was redirected and they anticipated no change .  Time has no mercy for those who expect no change. So are you a Catalina bison or sea kelp?  Each is beautiful to look at, but one has been there as long as we know and the other claimed its mark in recent history. Both contribute to the attraction and beauty of Catalina.  Don’t we want to see them both?  Remember with change we grow.img_9562

