Tag Archives: brain injured


Yellowstone Falls

I am back! Don’t ever count me out! This is a blog that I wrote over a year ago but never posted. Thought I would post so we could reconnect. Hope you like it.

Centering myself after the past year has been a meaningful goal of mine. Nothing like the “Wild Wild West” to bring you back to center. Hope everyone can find their “grounding” place like I have in Yellowstone National Park. This was my first time to experience this majestic park teaming with life and geysers. How does one place contain so much variety? Geysers steaming with hot gases and overflowing with rich minerals while right next to glacier cold rushing streams and rivers. After observing the greater part of a week, the iconic “Old Faithful” , Prismatic Pools, Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Indian Creek Campground, and the famed Lamar Valley, I am more in love with nature than ever before. With the almost complete absence of cell service, it was the total immersion into the natural world so needed after the past year. Lacking the subtle humor of nature, we detach from the nature of living in balance. I don’t see us as any different from the wildlife in Yellowstone. I am still thinking about the full impact this place has had on me. How do you come home unchanged? Coming home is pleasant but somewhat empty compared to the fullness of nature.

Watching the masculine bison walk along the road next to our truck and have one saunter next to me while sitting next to a stream after a hike was invigorating. Hearing the geysers bubble over, the wind sing a song of serenity thru the trees at the campground, seeing wildlife with no fences to separate us or to keep them imprisoned ,was refreshing to the soul. All I want is to capture the feeling of being in such a place of wild and free existence. I hope this place continues to remain this way, like it was meant to be. Each day with its series of eruptions and life cycles in the Lamar Valley, we must not disturb the balance of what is self sufficient.

I am sure there are many things that nurture the soul but nature has to be at the top.

Light with out pollution and noise with out alarms, is a glimpse of what life is supposed to look and feel like. Certainly a step back away from the barrage of media and propaganda that has so much influenced our thinking. The bears do not care if you are driving a Porshe or a Toyota. They may prefer a Tesla, considering its lack of carbon footprint and its lack of noise disturbance.

In the future, if you are looking for me, I just may be in the mountains. I am sure if we all immerse ourselves into nature a little we will all see our lives more balanced because of it. “Peace is the river of the soul”, and there is no lack of peace in nature.

Yellowstone I must see you again, my friend, only to look and admire you once again.

Your mate,


Beartooth Pass


Salt Creek Beach Bridge 

So many of us are bleeding from the soul.  Justice seems to be seeking its weight in lives.  Protests have erupted around the US and even abroad.  Wisdom sees this as a call for help and a call for action.  Love is the only solution to racism.  Whether you are black, brown, or white, you see the injustice.  Whether you want to admit it or not, we have all seen people judged by their skin color.  If we want this to end we must see one another as equal, as God sees us.  (Acts 10:28,29)  We must come from a place of love, as “love never fails”.  (1 Cor. 13:8)

Personally, I have experienced judgement in my life that has hurt me to the core.  I have been accused of being stupid, just by observing my unique levels of sensitivity.  How wrongly I have been judged.  I have been tempted to get back at those who have so wrongly judged me.  But I remind myself, “Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but it has not solved one yet”. (Maya Angelou)

Judgement stems from fear, and hate is the manifestation of fear.  Seeing ourselves as equals is the gateway to wisdom and love.  Everyone has the choice whether to follow or rise up and rule their minds and hearts with superior wisdom.  Let’s experience the beauty of demonstrating love when efforts replace our value with expressions of judgment.

All hope is lost when doubt is cast upon the soul who knows not his value.  Do not let the character assassinations of prejudice block the vision of who you are.  We are all created equal, it is what we do with what we were created with, that makes us who we are.  How we man or woman up to our challenges is what determines what we will be.  As Mahatma Ghandi said, “No one can hurt me without my permission”.  Eleanor Roosevelt made it even clearer when she stated, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”.  Be the person you want to be without any barriers or obstacles.  We must release the judgement of the world around us and find our own ally from within.  Everyone of us can emerge out of this crisis stronger and more confident of who we are.  But we must not allow others to dictate who we can be.  Love will conquer all.  Love must conquer judgment, as anything else will only breed more evil.  Against the grain we are trekking through the fear and pain, seeing the true reflection of ourselves of whom we were created to be.

Your soul searching friend,

Isaac DzamaIMG_4994






                                                      Dan The Sea Captain

Dan is the Captain of a band of boarder collie misfits who set sail just off the coast of California in search of the lost at sea Prince Iz-Man.
At sea the ship endured much turbulence. Each day at sea was valuable to the life of our dear prince. Iz-Man meant the world to Dan as he was once the prince’s dog of choice. Having a childhood fever the young prince made Dan his best friend and translator. The young prince had muted his voice out of sorrow for his life as it had been. Dan was his only joy in his present life. Just as they started to live happily came a jealous Sea Monster envious of their joy. Life shifted when the Sea Monster swept our dear young nobleman out to sea during his daily swim. Dan immediately mustered up a group of hunting dogs to motion a rescue of his loyal friend who had become his world.
Not under the turbulent sea would anyone dare sail but Dan. He searched night and day for his nobleman. Having sailed the sea he moved to the most dreaded South Pacific. Life would be sour as he would have to sneak out his nobleman from the hands of the Sea Monster. More than strength, love moved him to never give up. Rescue was the only mission with soul. So he turned on his team of trackers to test the Sea Monster.
sea-monster-2Surprisingly, they found the Sea Monster hiding much like Sea Monsters do in a cove in the deep South Sea. Love was so strong that jealousy could not see the light of day.
The Sea Monster was sleeping so sound the boarder collies sneaked past him unnoticed. They quickly grabbed the young prince and hurried to their ship. One collie accidentally stepped on the toe of the Sea Monster and woke him up. The Sea Monster then noticed his prince was gone and started to chase the pack of dogs as they scurried onto their ship with the young prince by their side. Inches past the reach of the Sea Monster the ship caught a strong wind sweeping it out to sea.


Fearing the Sea Monster would follow, Captain Dan had ordered a barrier of sharks waiting that the Sea Monster not dare cross. Dan’s sweet special Prince was safe again.isaacs-book-ship-2
Some say the Sea Monster still exists, but as long as Prince Iz-Man has Captain Dan at his side he no longer fears life or anything in it. Hope and happiness was then restored and healed the young prince.


Written by Isaac Dzama

May 2015

Every year in school we are required to write a short story.  Little did I know just three months after writing this I would receive my service dog, Barris.  We may not sail together but he is certainly my dog of choice.




img_9525As we move on to different stages in our growth, maturity and possibilities, we at some point have to decide who we want to be and what we stand for.  There is much controversy today over our rights and what or who we pledge our allegiance to. So much so that we understand what we say and do reflects our deepest allegiance. Everyone expresses this in some form or another whether consciously or subconsciously.  Work, money, power, greed, notoriety, or government, all claim a place for our allegiance. What have you claimed by your actions and life to be yours?

Not everything is worth our allegiance.  I must confess the only thing truly worthy of such action is the Creator of all things.  Other than our God Almighty, what must we pledge our lives and very existence to?  Just recently I was honored to express my dedication to live my life in support of the highest power and one who governs with love, justice, power, and wisdom.  I have wanted to do this for several years.  When you are not talking you tend to listen keenly and observe much. To my special circumstances I am grateful to be able to make my own decision.  If you are not sure who you give allegiance to,  just think of what you spend the most time and energy on and what you think about all the time.  I am often thinking about the future when I will not have the struggles I have today.  I try my best everyday to reach attainable goals and leave the rest to faith in a better world ahead thru the rule of God’s kingdom.  Doesn’t require tests or pills,  just loyalty and faith. Doing is equal to reality in our belief.  What do I mean?  Our lives reflect what is important to us.  So we may claim something is important but what are we doing?

I don’t know anything more trustworthy than to ally with the Creator of all things.  No one is more deserving nor more powerful than the designer and the former of all things that exist (Rev. 4:11).  My outward expression of full allegiance is my decision and based on much study and thought.  Not so easy for someone like me to do, but I did it,  and I am happy and grateful and feel I have purpose.

Jehovah God, our Creator and Almighty being,  has the ability to see our potential despite our limitations.  He is the “God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3,4), and who doesn’t need comforted?    All of you who encouraged me and came to support me whether physically, virtually, or in spirit, I thank you.

You have helped me reach an important milestone in my life.  It is just the beginning…



To learn more about comfort click here.


Soaking up the stillness of peaceful Alaska at Columbia Glacier on the Lulu Belle

How do you describe a place that makes you feel so connected to yourself and the world surrounding you?  Paradise!   Even in this world full of distractions, our minds can connect to raw nature in Alaska.  Under such peace and freedom from the negative hum of media, we can actually connect at a time when everyone is yearning to disconnect from their devices.  I love technology, as it makes it possible for me to type this blog.  We live at a time and in an environment dictated by social media. I have been spending years to improve my social skills and yet society is moving in the opposite direction.   Social media trains people to rely on typed words to communicate without actual personal interaction.  I can speak from experience that an emptiness is left in or souls when this is left to stand alone in our relationships.  In some ways you would think this would make it easier for me, yet I wonder is this the direction of elevated humanity?

I am almost sure we are stifling the natural bond the world has known until now. How do we embrace this change in technology and still stay connected as humans?  We must think of solutions before it is a lost art of  personal emotional interaction.  Ways to stay connected are families who play, eat, and pray together.  I love cards, games, and love to eat.  All is well when everyone feels loved and accepted and this is not always conveyed thru typed words. So let’s take some time everyday and talk personally to the ones we love.  We can still stay connected. I am not sure we can continue to stay connected as we were created to be if we don’t.




She keeps me connected!

Hiking the Exit Glacier in Alaska

The Crew on our trip of a lifetime!


Humpback Whale Prince William Sound

I am back!  I am excited to share the most amazing vacation I have ever experienced,  Alaska, the last frontier.  It is true beauty preserved and intrepid.  Even the air seems so dear you think it would cost you to breathe it.  Predators are given freedom and the eco- system takes care of itself with its unique balance that humbles even the jealous souls to think nature is better when left alone.  My favorite part of the trip was the wild life cruise we took out of the small fishing port in Valdez.  Our boat was tagged as the “Lulu Belle”.IMG_8173

Captain Fred was as entertaining as informative and in my opinion a master at what he does.

I am in awe of such amazing beauty that it is hard for me to choose my favorite experiences but this was definitely the best day of the vacation.  We saw humpback whale, dall porpoise, otter, sea lions, moving icebergs, Columbia Glacier, and the most inspiring mountainous backdrop to observe it all.


Stay tuned for more from Alaska…….

Extremely grateful,







Me wearing my Bose Noise Canceling Headphones

Kind of interesting how many times I am asked, what  am I listening to in my headphones.  I am not listening to music, or anything piped into my headphones.  It is actually peaceful white noise that simply takes the edge off my poor overstimulated auditory system.  I am  so sound sensitive sometimes a person’s breathing bothers me.  I am so sensitive I don’t pay attention to one conversation but tune into several, as much as eight to ten at a time.  Try juggling that in your brain on any given Sunday.  I am hearing not just the words but also the emotions in the tones of people’s voices. There is so much pain it is hard to carry at times, but I soldier on knowing that I have only the power to hear but not the power to heal.

Just when I get calm something else will distract me and I am in this vicious cycle of overload.  I am wishing for more peace but the world doesn’t seem to hear ME, ironically.  How do I take all this bombardment of information?  I have to be very selective of what my mind dwells on.  Only good comes from good thoughts and bad comes from dwelling on the bad thoughts, whether they are yours or someone else’s.  I am grateful for positive thinkers and family who are always guarding their thoughts and words around me.  Maybe they are listening after all.  Knowing how my brain is presently functioning will hopefully help people understand me and others they see either wearing their noise canceling headphones or archaically plugging their ears with their fingers.  Just speak softly and kindly to us.  We will respond so much better.  You can then see us as we really are inside.

You interpret us by how we behave under such stressful environments yet without the sound chaos we are just like you, except our minds still run at 10 times the speed of most.  Everyone wants to be a genius, yet I’m saying it comes at a price not many of us would willingly  pay.  For those of us who have been gifted, just remember we might return it if we could.

I am so personally excited to share how it feels to be sound sensitive,  I will find your comments most enjoyable.  So please send a comment.


Your friend,

Me and my pal, Barris




Isaac Barris

I have been reflecting on what real love means.  I am sure that love is the highest power of the universe.   I love the way it feels when I receive it.  I wonder what the paradise the Bible describes will FEEL like to have love without limits.  I see animals and people often limit themselves in receiving love because of fear.  Remove the fear and you have love without limits.

I am only a small person in this world but I certainly know the feeling of love and am convinced that any problem, big or small, can be remedied with it.  Jealousy can rob us of joy and prevent us from seeing the love that is right in front of us.  Jealousy is the root of so much pain.  I can be jealous sometimes of little kids who are learning to speak out of their mouths with so little effort.  I then start to unfavorably compare my ability to speak with my mouth and joy eludes me.

Isaac sitting with BarrisKnowing the future is bright with much promise and hope will give us the positive gratitude needed to win in the battle of our minds and negative influences.  I am challenging all my readers to list three things they are grateful for and send me their comments.  You will encourage yourself with the positive thoughts and also encourage all who read them.

Personally how do you live without limits?  My “easy going” personality is “ok” sometimes,  but I need more “oomph” to motivate me to accomplish more in a day or a typing session.  How do you take what you need and get rid of what you have too much of?  Undertones of what we need are often reflected in the friends or mates we choose.  I am opposite of so many people so I can choose from a smorgasbord of different strengths in people around me.  Nonetheless, breaking the cycle of old habits can be hard.  I only hope I can find a life with out limits in my own wishes and desires, which form my tomorrow.  In regards to our weaknesses, our minds seem to have little restrictions to the amounts we think about.  But somehow the thoughts of a life without limits seems impossible or even naive.  How deceiving this world has jaded our hopes and dreams.

In this world small changes can often have gigantic results.  I remember when I was creeping and crawling everyday to retrain and organize my brain.  The changes in my brain  seemed nonexistent at the time, yet later became evident it was substantial.  I wouldn’t change one meter of that program.  In fact, I have often thought about doing it again to see what results I would get now.    In this world, effort is rewarded by intention.  If intention is pure , then the result is usually positive, even though it may not be evident in the way or time you expected it.  Companies and brains are similar in that it requires management in each department, with our goals managed and met. The real key is to constantly set new levels of goals that push the limits to a place that feels as if you have none.  I would call that a successful operation.  I have had to have a complete restructuring of certain areas of my brain.  Others have had to be replaced with new CEO’s as the previous vision was too limited.  I still need some true internal restructuring in my brain.  People so often only see what is on the outside, so it is up to us to know what needs adjusted and motivated on the inside.  Will peaceful open words leave us motivated to live life without limits in regards to love?  I hope so.  I am trying to remove limits for myself everyday.

I am grateful for the life IIMG_1888 have and long for the day when we can live a life without limits.




Coming up next………”Why I Wear My Headphones”.




I recently moved into a new house and I really love it, yet I struggle with getting out of the way of my own success.  Much of my day is spent eagerly looking forward to typing.  I mostly enjoy the process of thoughts flowing smoothly into words that resonate with people.  Only people have the ability to respond to readings such as a blog.  I wish I could blog Barris’ thoughts.  Oh wouldn’t that be touching and humorous at the same time?  What makes us innately so different than animals?  I have wondered this not from an evolutionary standpoint but more from a thinking analytic standpoint.  I openly express my belief in God and a Creator, yet I still ponder these questions.  I am perplexed at this question, mostly because so many of us never take the time to ponder answers to the questions we do not already know the answers to.  I suggest we let nature answer us with its high hum of wisdom.  Open your eyes and ears to what the birds tell you.  I am still in awe of the melody they sing everyday.  Pondering over their purpose of such joy in song, I wonder, am I living as I am supposed to?  I might know how I am living, but how I was meant to live may surprise me.

I would love to travel in space.  I would love to design my own intergalactic transport.  It is possible if our minds can dream it.  Our minds are windows into the future.  What is your future?  I wonder about mine a lot.  I just keep praying for answers and taking one positive step everyday trying to see the future as a safe and purposeful one.  I am confident I get answers to my prayers not just in life but also in my thoughts about my future.  This requires dismissing negative thoughts that seem to be told as reality, yet are only lies and deception.  In my case, it is “you are not smart” or “you don’t get it do you?”.  For others it may be “you are not worthy” or “you are not loved”.  But those are all lies.  We are as successful as we believe we are.  If we believe we are valuable, then we live a life of value.  If we are purposeful, we live a life with purpose?  Reflect on your life now and if you are not satisfied ask yourself , “What do I need to change?”.  It may just be our attitude.  Growing up in a world full of bullies and criticism isn’t always a day at the beach.  Yet, we can just put our minds at the beach when those thoughts or people try to bring our thoughts down.  Understanding our future really helps us stay positive.

I am personally finding great joy and satisfaction from writing about things I am passionate about.  What are your passions?  I enter a new field when I hear beautful music by Mozart or great composers like him.  Sweet streams of water also make my mind stream away from painful sounds.  I hear birds chirping right now and I am sure they are telling me to join them outside on this beautiful day.

In this day and time we all must see ourselves living not like we have in the past but one step in the right direction towards the life of our dreams.

Everyday ,or on every reality of a day ,we need to live with purpose.  I am still finding my full potential as I am confident I have not fulfilled my full purpose yet.  I have a 92 year old Grandma and she still lives with purpose and that is wonderful!

Everyone needs great moments to look forward to.  I need it just like you.  What will we do to make greatness happen?  I wonder if I were the way I was meant to be, would I be that much different or better?  Better as far as communicating with my mouth not my laptop, maybe.  But somehow I think I am better as a result of my extra mile or two added to my marathon of life.  It is only a race to finish, not against the world.  I am confident each of us can finish our race of living with purpose if we just never give up!

I hiked on the trail in our neighborhood today and saw whales migrating from where I was standing.  I can only say we are blessed to even observe such living creatures.  May all of us reach our full potential one step at a time.

Your friend,


My buddy, Barris






Many friends of mine are well aware of Oklahoma people and their way of friendship.  I love the way people from that part of the country make you feel.  Knowing quick friendships are near impossible for me, I am researching ways to make real friends.  An article I recently read suggested to make a list of three qualities that you  would value in a friend.  Here are my three:

  1.  Fun and funny.  I love a good sense of humor.
  2.  Patient.  They will need a lot of patience when communicating with me.
  3.  Love the outdoors.  I feel so calm and myself while in nature.

The article then asked you to list what three qualities YOU bring to the friendship. I find this part most challenging.  I am humbled to think of how little I am offering in the way of friendship.  I will still try:

  1.  I can be funny or so I am told.
  2. I am knowledgble of many languages and book knowledge.  I can be handy when playing trivia games.
  3. Kind.  I am kind in my words and with my affections.

I can see these things I bring to the table are frequently interests of my own.  I see now that what I want, must be similar to what I am offering in return.   I am working to make my list more substantial.

My mom once had my Dad and I write down three things we wanted from each other and were not getting.  Then after we had compiled our list, she proceeded to instruct us to give those very things we wrote to the other person.  You can imagine my surprise when I then had to find honor, respect, and patience on my list of things to express to my Dad.  It did seem to help with our view of one another considering our list were almost identical.

I am humbled when I reflect on the friends I have on this blog.  I expected so much less and I am grateful.  Friendships are much like your favorite foods.  You love them,  knowing they will always satisfy you and always look forward to seeing them appear again. But variety is always a pleasure.  I once was on an eight day rotation diet and although I missed some of my favorite foods, it forced me to try others, which I surprisingly found satisfying and healthy.  Maybe we should all try a rotation friendship diet.  See how many new different friends we can make and see if we do not enjoy this variety of personalities.  It may make us appreciate our “pasta and pesto” friends a little more while we get to try a little borscht.

Link “How To Make Real Friends”


